Thursday, August 25, 2011

Slacker: Updated

Oh hey there. I haven't been "slacking" on blog posts so much as "enjoying doing nothing while I can and then paying for it". After being sick with the awful death cold (also see: being a wimp with a perfectly normal regular cold) I took the entire weekend to do... wait for it... NOTHING. Except enjoy family and friends of course.

I haven't had an enjoyable weekend absent of stress, homework, and editing since probably Christmastime. It was so lovely and just what I needed to get myself healthy so I could dive back into work this week. Although my life sometimes seems to an outsider like a never-ending stream of glamourous photo-vacations, it's actually a lot of work. I love being able to travel and do the things I do, and I'd even admit there are a lot of "glamourous" perks to the job, but it's never really relaxing. It's pretty much constant hard work that is not only physically draining, but also because of it's creative nature, quite emotionally draining as well. I give up a lot of time with friends and family, and spend most of friday nights cuddled next to my monitor editing a thousand image wedding.

So, excuse me for a moment more while I catch up and finish all my editing. I'll be back soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Well babe I know how rare your relaxing is so I am glad you got some!!
