Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Next Big Trip

I can't help it, it's an addiction and the world is my enabler... 

In March through April of 2009 I took my first solo European trip:

Then in July of that same year I want to Uganda, Africa:

I didn't travel again until I went on an quad trip to Baja in February of 2010:

Then I went to Kauai that June where I didn't get any good pictures so here is a point and shoot:

And then I spent Christmas 2010 in Europe:

In the fall of 2010 I started college (as a 22 year old freshman... woot woot) which greatly reduced the free time and money I had to travel. I get really antsy for trips and pretty much try to leave the state and/or country at any and every opportunity. I have a serious case of wanderlust. I ache to travel. If I'm not actively traveling, I'm thinking about my next trip. And don't think I'm talking about "vacations". Vacations to me are a free afternoon reading a book and drinking a delicious beverage. Why would I want to spend three grand to do that in the bahamas? No thank you. I'm a traveler. I wander. I photograph. I eat street foods. I befriend locals. I get lost. I find secrets. I live. 

So, without further ado, I am overjoyed to announce my next big trip that will take place May through August of 2012. Drum roll please...

(with a galavant through Europe to start it all off)

Among other adventures, I'll live in the bush for a month with the Himba tribe while I photograph them and record their stories. It's like Nat Effing Geo, people (except, you know, I'm paying for it and it's not going in NatGeo). I could not be more excited. 


  1. You are awesome!! So proud of you. Maybe when I start best selling and other countries translate my work I will make you go with me so I don't end up in a ditch.

  2. Wow. You're amazing. I'm so so excited for you! If you need a place to stay in Germany, my parents would love to have you!! Ahhh. I wanna come with you!
