Thursday, May 10, 2012

Intellectual Crushes

From the blogger that brought you her type, character crushes, and girl crushes, comes the next (and possibly most important) category: the intellectual crush.

Intellectual crushes are men I want to find myself sitting next to at a lodge in the middle of Africa, casually beginning to converse, and before we know it we've stayed up all night in deep philosophical conversation and subsequently run off to Moldova together forever. Or... something like that. Basically they're dudes I'm in love with for their fascinating thinking abilities above all else.

Nerd alert.

Ira Glass
Host of This American Life and best storyteller of our day.

Neil Gaiman
Imaginative writer with an incredible voice.

Damien Rice
"Your mouth, your mouth, your mind."

Jamie Oliver
Home boy cooks the way I like it, unconventional and a little messy.

Steve Martin
I know, I know. Odd choice, perhaps? I submit that it is not.
He's wicked clever and he plays the banjo. What more could a girl want?
(And yes he's old enough to be my grandfather, so let's pretend
for the sake of creepiness he's more age appropriate.)

Street artist and director of Exit Through the Gift Shop, the documentary
that explains perfectly how I feel about the photography industry in Utah. 

Who are your nerdy little intellectual crushes?


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