Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Celluloid Lovin'

In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share my favorite romantic movies. These aren't just your average rom-coms, rather these are THE EPIC LOVE STORIES OF CINEMA (duh duh duuuuh)-- yes, the very films where all my unrealistic delusions of love come from! So get your hearts ready to flutter and your lungs ready to sigh!

The Village (also, the whole soundtrack in general makes me swoon)
What Dreams May Come
Big Fish
The New World
Romeo + Juliet
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Tuck Everlasting (a little bit of a adolescent guilty pleasure, so kill me)

I'm not going to lie, I got a little teary eyed watching all those clips and trailers.


What are your favorite celluloid love stories?

(**Please note that The Notebook nor Twilight are on this list because, contrary to popular belief, they are absolutely atrocious "love" stories. Sorry, lust isn't love.)



  1. First, I love your little postscript about Twilight or anything Nicholas Sparks related. AMEN, sister! And your list is interesting and awesome. I just had memories of me sneaking to see Romeo + Juliet when I was in jr. high because my parents thought it looked questionable and a little too worldly (I love that my teenage rebellion involved Shakespeare.) New World was beautiful. I kind of forgot about that movie...

    As for my favorites...I'm sure I'll think of more once I hit enter, but all my favorites are old-fashioned. I'm a sucker for British period pieces so, of course, I love all the classics: Pride and Prejudice (ah, Colin Firth), Jane Eyre (the Masterpiece Theater version is my favorite, though the new one with Michael Fassbender as Rochester is good, too), and Sense & Sensibility. My latest obsession is North & South (and, consequently, Richard Armitage). I love how romance in those movies is so subtle.

    And I have to mention Gone with the Wind as one of my favorite romantic movies. So awesome. And my guilty pleasure rom-com, You've Got Mail. I can't even say why except that I want my life to be like Meg Ryan's every time I watch it.

    Long comment. One more random thing: Your sidebar, under listening. Isn't that Shosanna from Inglourious Basterds? She sings?

    1. It's so rare to find someone that has seen New World (and who didn't fall asleep in it!). It's one of my absolute favorites! I figured that scene I posted doesn't make much sense out of context, but it completely makes me melt. EVERY. TIME. Oh man. When she says "my husband"... seriously... nothing sweeter given the story. *siiiiiigh*

      I feel like I should like all the British period pieces seeing as I love the Brits and old things, but for some reason I can't get into them (except Downton Abbey, which is an obsession). I do love that BBC version on P and P though, so I have an inkling that I might have been too young when I started watching the others. I should give them another try! Another movie I must see again is Gone with the Wind. I haven't seen it all the way through in years! I do remember fancying Mr. Butler.

      And yes, that is Shosanna! Damian Rice (my favorite musician ever) did that album with her. It's something different, and very satisfying!

  2. Sorry, I just had to say -- that clip from The Village is SO great. I haven't seen that movie in so long. I forgot about that part. Love.
