Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Parents, The Original Hipster Kids

My sister and I were going through old boxes of photos and stumbled upon this little gem. These are the original loins from whence I sprang!
Although I have seen this one before, I don't get to see many pictures of my parents together (on account of them having been divorced about 20 years now), so it's almost like looking at strangers. Although both very familiar to me, these two people don't go together in my mind. Crazy.

Anyway, here are a couple of thoughts:

1. Hipsters much? My parents were like hard core granola fools to the max, and yet somehow highly stylish and attractive. If I flash this picture at Velour on a Saturday night, do I get scene cred?

2. Or maybe my dad was just Charles Manson? Do I still get scene cred?

3. Um. What the heck, genetics? My mom was like a super model and this is all you could come up with for me? Thanks you big biological jerk.

4. I guess I'll give you SOME props, genetics, for hooking me up with my dad's affinity for flip flops (or "thongs" as he called them for years). I love me a good pair of flips.

5. A little advice to those of you who are divorced: save pictures of yourself for your kids (especially the kids that never really knew you together). We like seeing these sorts of things eventually.
