Tonight is just one of those nights. Here are 4 items of unrelated business I just needed to throw out there.
First Item of Unrelated Business:
The mere existence of trials in your life does not equate character (although many are fooled by the illusion). Character comes from how you deal with your trials. If you cannot rise above your own pain to find joy in others, your life will always be empty.
Second Item of Unrelated Business:
You are creating your own mess with him. Stop whining. Stop nagging. You are in charge of your own happiness. Stop making him responsible for your insufficient self regulation. Take a breath and enjoy each other while you have each other. If you aren't happy with what he has to offer, move on.
Third Item of Unrelated Business:
You've been hanging out with a whole lot of the wrong kind of people it seems. Look right in front of you. Yep, I'm right here. I might not look like perfection, but we get each other (and I know you know that is a rarity). Ask me out already!
Fourth Item of Unrelated Business:
Ok, local professional photography scene, what gives? It seems you're only made up of creepy old guys taking pictures of young girls wearing booty shorts and passing it off as "art" OR pretentious jerks who don't want anything to do with you unless you want to sell your soul to the pretentious jerk club. Why can't there be any chill photographers around?
Now it's time for me to throw on some headphones, switch off the lights, and turn up some Jónsi. Feel free to join me.
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